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****************************** ****************************** - PAGE TWO - - HORSE WOMEN - Horse Women and Pony Girls ... I suppose it's pretty obvious where these drawings are aimed :-). These have been created over a long period and are pretty representative. ![]() LEFT ABOVE - We've all see horse transporter trailers on the road, but have you ever thought what might be concealed within? Here, a Horse Woman is being taken to her new home, fastened securely, as all valuable possessions should be. RIGHT ABOVE - Not quite the pedestal that many women would be preferred to be placed upon, but this young Horse Woman has no say in how she is regarded and must accept the manner in which her Master wishes to display her to his friends. ![]() ![]() ABOVE TWO - Two different views of one of a dozen Pony Girls during their exercise periods. All are fastened into their Exercising Treadmills in exactly the same way then sealed into her sound insulated Stall for a full four hours at a time. All are prevented from falling by means of overhead suspension straps, required to stare straight ahead by the reins to their bits and nipples and unable to step off their treadmill's belts thanks to side restraint straps. If any slackens her pace, the wide bars behind will be depressed to activate electro-shock capabilities, spurring her into maintaining the pace; be it a walk, jog, trot, or full gallop. None can escape, nor can they slacken her efforts. ![]() ![]() LEFT ABOVE - A fully equipped and controlled Horse Woman. Note: integrated nipple ring to bit arm directional control reins. She's obviously also controlled by her Inhibitor Bar and hobbles, creating the ultimate in Human Female Equine Control. RIGHT ABOVE - Typical arrangement of a JG-Leathers Horse Woman Bridle. I told you I can't draw faces for beans, but it gets the idea across fairly well. Note: Draw rein above the ear and the ear rings being fastened to her collar. - LIPIZANNER'S -
FOUR ABOVE - Varying views and details of the permanent helmet affixed to the heads of Horse Women who have the misfortune to be placed in the Lipizanner Program (see: FICTION - JG-L Stories). Vision panels are non-removable and what little sight that IS permitted may easily be removed by closing the self-locking shutters. RIGHT TOP - Back view of the helmet with detail views of the subcutaneous mounted clip and the helmet's receiver mount. RIGHT, BOTTOM - The Full Monty as worn by Lipizanner Horse Women when in training or performing. Control is total and brooks NO rebellion whatsoever. - COW GIRLS - Again, this one's pretty obvious ... females employed as sources of milk for whatever reason. It's a fantasy of many, but one that is seldom realized. ![]() ![]() LEFT ABOVE - A Cow Girl, secured fully in the Suspension Milking Parlour, being stimulated into providing milk. Unable to escape her fate, she swings erratically back and forth against the restricting straps when the impulses assault her, kicking frantically to escape. However she succeeds only in making the Inhibitor Bar she must wear constantly, wobble back and forth. She cannot faint, thanks to the oxygen-enriched air being fed into her air mask and helmet. RIGHT ABOVE - A closer view of the Cow Girl/Horse WOman chastity appliance, complete with Inhibitor Bar and its embedded, electrified, remotely-controlled dildo. ![]() ![]() LEFT ABOVE - Another, more relaxed manner of how a Cow Girl may be milked. Her restraints are always strict and very secure, even while the intimate process takes place. Needless to say her Milking Parlour is sealed and sound proofed. RIGHT ABOVE - This Cow Girl is being disciplined, exercised, and milked simultaneously. Her sentence in this cell is for two weeks during which time she never leaves the cell; being fed, toiletted and randomly disciplined. She is fastened to a combination motor/generator and should her output fall below prescribed limits, she is 'encouraged' to maintain her pace. ![]() ![]() LEFT ABOVE - Another Cow Girl, fully suspended in her Isolation Cell. Her sight, hearing, air, toiletting, and nutrition are computer-administered. When permitted sight, all she can see is the full-wall mirror in front of her, but those outside can view her fully. RIGHT ABOVE - A cut-away view of a type of Isolation Helmet employed for various types of automated 'therapy' that various evil states and enterprises use for behaviour modification processes. Long term wear is normally mandated for the best results, with all of the primary senses being fully controlled. ![]() ![]() LEFT ABOVE - Back view of the full TC Maintenance and Control Umbilical anchoring and connection part of the Cow Girl Harness. RIGHT ABOVE - Full suspension again. For the most part, this concept drawing has been brought to reality, and been used with great effectiveness. ******************************